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experience, memories, development



The team process is crucial for Christian Wohlwend. What goes on between the competitions and matches that then have a major influence on victory and defeat? What characters make up a team, and how do the different archetypes contribute to the team? What does it take to be successful as a team? Christian Wohlwend takes you on a hero's journey.
The following topics will be worked on:

Hero's journey - Christian Wohlwend, bounce back

1 Challenge

The call for a new adventure. The first step towards departure is always the most difficult because it always requires courage, determination and overcoming adversity. It is an opportunity and possibility to start a new journey with challenging experiences, insights and development.

2 Pressure to perfom

No matter how difficult the task, it's about consistently delivering the highest performance and withstanding the pressure. You always put pressure on yourself, but the question is: How do you react to the pressure and how do you perceive it? It is important to face all this courageously and see it as an opportunity to become better.

3 Stress

Is primarily a life-saving measure of the subconscious. What are the stress triggers (stressors), what stress amplifiers occur and how are stressful situations interpreted?

4 Conflict

A conflict arises from the clash of different views and opinions. It is a sign of strength to use conflict as an opportunity to strengthen the cohesion of a relationship, a group or a team. Changes are made possible, stagnation is prevented.

5 Crisis

In a crisis, we have to say goodbye to previous habits and behavior patterns because they no longer match the currently perceived reality. A sudden change requires new strategies.

6 Resilienz

«The immune system of the soul» - surviving and coping with difficulties without major impairments. Through the acquired experiences, it is possible to react even more flexibly to new challenges.

7 Self-efficacy

Being able to cope with new, difficult demands and situations under one's own steam and with existing resources. This also means having the conviction and confidence to succeed in extreme situations.

8 Personality development

An ongoing maturation process for the growth of a person's character traits. This person should develop in a targeted manner over time so that he or she can apply his or her patterns of action and behavior in a self-determined manner. The three building blocks of self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-change pursue the goal of further developing the personality.

Now Emerge

Role Models and Leaders

9 Role models

A role model inspires imitation with his or her qualities and talents. It motivates others to work on goals and dreams, and to persevere and believe in oneself.

10 Leaders

The ability to inspire, motivate and enthuse people. To influence others, to achieve and even surpass mutually defined goals by going above and beyond. A leader has a vision, wants to make a difference, leads by example and goes ahead to achieve real change. He embodies his deep values and convictions.

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